A major change in AdWords – How to react?

Introduction Google has made a major change in AdWords. Ads are now shown only in the main column, no longer in the right column. Previously, there were generally speaking eight ads per SERP. For some queries, Google didn’t show ads at all, and additionally they’ve been constantly testing the limit, e.g. running up to 16 product listing […]

European financial crisis – the next steps?

Introduction With this post, I’m anticipating the next phase of debate on European financial crisis, as the problem of asynchronous economies isn’t going away. The continent is currently riddled with the refugee crisis, but sooner or later the attention will return to this topic which hasn’t been properly dealt with. The problem In brief, there are […]

The correct way to calculate ROI for online marketing

Introduction This is a short post explaining the correct way to calculate ROI for online marketing. I got the idea earlier today while renewing my Google AdWords certificate and seeing this question in the exam: Now, here’s the trap – I’m arguing most advertisers would choose the option C, although the correct one is option A. […]

Online ad platforms’ leeching logic

We had a great discussion with Mr. Lauri Pitkänen about unfair advantage in business – e.g., a gift card company’s business model relying on people not redeeming gift cards, investment banker’s relying on monopoly to take 7% of each new IPO, doctor’s controlling how many new doctor’s are educated, taxi driver’s keeping the supply low […]

Kun konversio ei ole konversio: Kvasikonversion idea ja todellisen CPA:n laskeminen

On tilanteita, joissa konversioiden määrä ja sitä myöten laskettu CPA ovat harhaanjohtavia. Erityisesti tällainen tilanne on, kun lasketun konversion jälkeen tapahtuu karsintaa (esim. liidien klousaus, korkea palautusprosentti, affiliate-huijaus). Miten siinä tapauksessa tulisi laskea CPA? Kaava on yksinkertainen: (1/(1-k))*CPA, jossa k on mitatun konversion jälkeinen katoprosentti CPA on konversion kustannus Esimerkki: Vaatealan verkkokauppa mainostaa mainosalustassa x. […]

Koneoppiminen ja Googlen algoritmi

Johdanto Tämä postaus sisältää muutamia Rand Fiskinin (MOZ) “What Deep Learning and Machine Learning Mean For the Future of SEO” -videosta syntyneitä ajatuksia. Video löytyy täältä, ja se kannattaa katsoa jotta pysyy kärryillä. Mikä on SEO:n tulevaisuus koneoppimisen myötä? Kukaan ei varmasti tiedä, miltä osin Google on jo implementoinut koneoppimisen periaatteita sijoittelualgoritmiinsa. Kertauksen vuoksi, koneoppiminen […]