Category: english

Bugs and problems in Facebook Ads [UPDATED 10/08/2016]

Introduction I’ve been doing a lot of Facebook advertising. Compared to Google AdWords, Facebook Ads is missing a lot of features, and has annoying bugs. I’m listing these problems here, in case anyone working at Facebook would like to have an advertiser’s opinion, and that people working with programmatic ad platforms see how difficult it […]

Notes on Customer Development

I keep forgetting this stuff, so noting it down for myself (and others). 1. Don’t ask “would you” questions, ask “did you” questions. People are unable to predict their behavior. 2. Don’t ask about your product, ask about their problem. Wrong question: “We have this product A – would you use it?”. Right question: “Do […]

Crowdfunding pitch to media – an example

Here’s an example on how to do PR for a crowdfunding campaign. It should be sent at least a couple of weeks prior to launch. — Hi [name], this is [yourname] from [yourcompany]. We are preparing to release a new product in [yourplatform], and I wanted to give you heads-up since you wrote about [a […]