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Tag: research

Negative tipping and Facebook: Warning signs

This Inc article states a very big danger for Facebook: It is widely established in platform theory that reaching a negative tipping point can destroy a platform. Negative tipping is essentially the reverse of positive tipping — instead of gaining momentum, the platforms starts quickly losing it. There are two dimensions I want to look at in this post. First,…

Qualitative Analysis With NVivo – Essential Features

This post explains the use of NVivo software package for analysis of qualitative data. It focuses on four aspects: coding categorization relationships comparison of background variables First, coding. This is simply giving names to phenomena observed in the material. It’s a process of abstraction and conceptualization, i.e. making the rich qualitative material more easily approachable by reducing its complexity into simple…

The Vishnu Effect of Startups (creators/destroyers of jobs)

Background In the Hindi scripture there is a famous passage in which the god Vishnu describes himself as death; to Westerners this is mostly known through Oppenheimer’s citation: “Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” But, there is another god in Hinduism, Brahma, that is the creator of the universe. How does this relate to startups? Just like these…

The Basics of Dilemmas

Introduction By definition, a dilemma is a trade-off situation in which there are two choices, each leading to a negative outcome. General solution A general solution, then, is to weigh the outcomes and compare them against one another. For example: choice A: -1 choice B: -2 In this example, choice A has smaller negative effect, so we’d pick that one.…

Digital Marketing Laws (work in progress…)

Hi, this is work in progress – I’ll keep updating this list as new moments of “heureka” hit me. Digital marketing laws The higher the position in a SERP, the higher the CTR The more a mixed platform gains demand-side popularity, the more it restricts the organic reach of supply-side Search-engine traffic consistently outperforms social media traffic in direct ROI People…

A.I. – the next industrial revolution?

Introduction Many workers are concerned about “robotization” and “automatization” taking away their jobs. Also the media has been writing actively about this topic lately, as can be seen in publications such as New York Times and Forbes. New York Times: After Jobs Dry Up, What Then? Forbes: Now, Even Artificial Intelligence Gurus Fret That AI Will Steal Our Jobs Although…

The ROI of Academic Publishing

Problem of ROI in publishing The return on investment (ROI) of academic publishing is absolutely terrible. Think of it – thousands of hours spent correcting formatting, spellings, rephrasing, and so on. All this after the actual insight of the research has been accomplished. In all seriousness, 10% of time spent doing research and 90% writing and rewriting cannot be thought…