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Joni Salminen Posts

Research on Persona Analytics

This year (2021), we have managed to publish two research papers that I consider important milestones in persona analytics research. They are listed below. Jung, S., Salminen, J., & Jansen, B. J. (2021). Persona Analytics: Implementing Mouse-tracking for an Interactive Persona System. Extended Abstracts of ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems – CHI EA ’21. Jung, S.-G., Salminen, J.,…

Algorithms that describe a researcher’s mind

Algorithms that describe a researcher’s mind: (a) Work on the paper “closest to publication”. => downside: can reduce the willingness to solve difficult problems because they are farther from publication (b) Always switch to more interesting topic, when you see one. => downside: you’ll never get anything published (but upside can be that you learn a lot about different topics,…

Miksi markkinoija on huono kasvuhakkeroija?

Mari Luukkainen kysyi LinkedInissä “Voiko kokenut markkinoija oppia kasvuhakkerointia?” Marin kokemus on seuraavanlainen: ”Olen rekrytoinut kasvuhakkerointi- tai vastaavaan rooliin muutaman vuoden aikana 12 kokenutta markkinoijaa ja 25 henkilöä joilla ei ole ollut markkinoinnista juurikaan kokemusta.” “Näistä henkilöistä tehokkaan ja systemaattisen kasvuhakkerointiprosessin oppi 0/12 ja 25/25.” “Kasvuhakkeroinnissa olennaista on saada asiat hoidettua. Ainakin kerran viikossa pitää siis vetää läpi Analyysi-Hypoteesi-Priorisointi-Testaus, koska…

5 Trends of Coronavirus and the Economy

Outlining five trends I’m observing at the moment. NB: These are my personal opinions, mostly based on business news coming out and social media sentiments of people I’m following. I: Monetary policy of lowering interest rates and “printing money” by buying bonds and stocks by central banks has a limited effect on alleviating the financial crisis. This is because, on…

Your work is non-essential, according to coronavirus

Some of my observations about coronavirus and economy. It’s striking how FEW people we need to sustain many. More than a billion people are in physical isolation, BUT utilities (electricity, water, internet) working perfectly. Really a marvel of innovation and automation that shows how well technology and infrastructure in most places has been built. On the flipside, many people’s work…

Unit of cognitive effort

We should come up with a unit for cognitive effort. Like in information science you have a “bit” (binary digit that stores information). That concept was made famous by Claude Shannon who is considered as “the father of information theory”. Here, I’m arguing a metric like “bit” should be developed for measuring cognitive effort of work tasks and individuals. Let’s…

How to Audit International Facebook Advertising? A 37-Item Checklist

This is a joint article written with Mr. Tommi Salenius who works as a digital marketing specialist at Parcero Marketing Partners. Introduction Facebook advertising is a powerful form of online marketing for many purposes ranging from direct response campaigns to brand visibility and awareness. However, the competition in the ad platform is increasing every year, as companies are increasing their…

How to identify useful user feedback? Three tips for value driven-user development

In our APG team (APG = Automatic Persona Generation), we have the goal of doing value-driven system development. “Value-driven” means that each feature we add or incorporate, solves a real user problem (i.e., provides real value). Since our clients are typically operating in the business domain, their problems deal with understanding their customers better. That’s the space APG operates in.…