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Joni Salminen Posts

Customers as a source of information: 4 risks

Introduction This post is based on Dr. Elina Jaakkola’s presentation “What is co-creation?” on 19th August, 2014. I will elaborate on some of the points she made in that presentation. Customer research, a sub-form of market research, serves the purpose of acquiring customer insight. Often, when pursuing information from consumers companies use surveys. Surveys, and usage of customers as a source of information,…

Online ads: Forget tech, invest in creativity

Technology is not a long-lasting competitive advantage in SEM or other digital marketing – creativity is. This brief post is inspired by an article I read about different bid management platforms: “We combine data science to SEM, so you can target based on device, hour of day and NASDAQ development.” Yeah… but why would you do that? Spend your time thinking of…

Basic formulas for digital media planning

Planning makes happy people. Introduction Media planning, or campaign planning in general, requires you to set goal metrics, so that you are able to communicate the expected results to a client. In digital marketing, these are metrics like clicks, impressions, costs, etc. The actual planning process usually involves using estimates — that is, sophisticated guesses of some sorts. These estimates…

Keyword optimization routine for search-engine advertising (AdWords)

In this post, I’m sharing a simple optimization process for search-engine advertising. I’ll also try to explain its rationale, i.e. explanation of why it should work. The process is particularly applicable to Google AdWords due to availability of metrics, but for the most parts it applies to Bing Ads as well. First, take a list of your keywords along with…

Miksi datan käyttö on ok? Markkinoijan puheenvuoro

Data parantaa mainonnan laatua. Kuva ei liity tapaukseen. Missä EU, siellä ongelma. Vaikka ulkoministeri Soini onkin viime aikoina unohtanut tämän keskeisen teesinsä, elää ajatus yhä edelleen kansan riveissä. Digimarkkinoijille EU:n epäpätevästä ja todellisuudesta irtautuneesta tavasta asettaa direktiivejä voi koitua merkittävää haittaa. Ensinnäkin ns. evästedirektiivi, jonka mukaisesti käyttäjille pitää ilmoittaa että heistä kerätään tietoa evästeillä (jota siis netin alkuajoista lähtien 99…

Startup dilemmas: Feature priority problem

Introduction It is a common issue for startups applying customer development to discover many customer problems and either relating to that or to their vision include many, many features in their product development roadmap. However, as we know, it is not about the number of features but their quality, i.e. usefulness in solving the customer pain points. Why is this…

Notes on innovation

The harder competition gets, the more people drop out. For a society, it would be great to maximize progress through competition but minimize crime through social welfare. But what is needed to accomplish that? First, there has to be strong enough incentives for people to dedicate their lives for pursue of innovations, and a back-up system when they are not…

Controlling ad quality in programmatic buying

Highway to ad quality. Ad quality is an issue in programmatic buying where ad exchange takes place via computer systems. In traditional ad exchange, there’s a human supervising the quality of advertising, but in a programmatic system it’s possible to receive spammy, illegal, or otherwise undesirable advertising without publishers (ad sellers) being aware of it. Likewise, the quality of performance…

Hymistelyn aika on ohi – startup-yrittäjyyden edistäminen Turun yliopistossa

Johdanto Turun yliopistossa on tervettä kiinnostusta yrittäjyyteen, josta ilmeneminä ovat mm. henkilökunnan vastikään perustama Yrittäjyyskilta ja yrittäjyysasiamiesten palkkaaminen yliopiston taholta. Samalla toiminta riskeeraa pienen piirin syndrooman, jossa järjestellään pikkukivaa ohjelmaa ja taputellaan toisiamme selkään. Tämä kirjoitus pyrkii toimimaan herätteenä tällaista syndroomaa vastaan. Ensinnäkin on eroteltava kaksi asiaa: yrittäjyys ja startup-yrittäjyys. Yrittäjyys voi olla oman toiminimen perustamista. Startup-yrittäjyys on miljoonien eurojen…