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Tag: platforms

Platform strategy: How can media companies co-align their operations with incentives of social platforms

Introduction Platform integration is a major issue for publishers. The question, as interpreted by some of them, takes the form: friend or foe? Although it would be naïve to answer “friend”, platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are not foes either. At minimum, they are necessary evil to cope with, at maximum they are strategic leverage. But somewhere along this axis…

A major change in AdWords – How to react?

Introduction Google has made a major change in AdWords. Ads are now shown only in the main column, no longer in the right column. Previously, there were generally speaking eight ads per SERP. For some queries, Google didn’t show ads at all, and additionally they’ve been constantly testing the limit, e.g. running up to 16 product listing ads per results page. But…

Organic reach and the choice of social media platform

(This is work in progress.) Introduction It is a well-established fact that the organic reach in a dominant platform decreases over time, as the competition over users’ attention increases. There is thus an inverse relation: The more competition (by users and firms) in a user’s news feed, the less organic visibility for a firm. The problem How would a firm willing to…

Using the VRIN model to evaluate web platforms

Introduction In this article, I discuss how the classic VRIN model can be used to evaluate modern web platforms. What is the VRIN model? It’s one of the most cited models of the resource-based view of the firm. Essentially, it describes how a firm can achieve sustainable competitive advantage through resources that fulfill certain criteria. These criteria for resources that provide…

A.I. – the next industrial revolution?

Introduction Many workers are concerned about “robotization” and “automatization” taking away their jobs. Also the media has been writing actively about this topic lately, as can be seen in publications such as New York Times and Forbes. New York Times: After Jobs Dry Up, What Then? Forbes: Now, Even Artificial Intelligence Gurus Fret That AI Will Steal Our Jobs Although…

Bugs and problems in Facebook Ads [UPDATED 10/08/2016]

Introduction I’ve been doing a lot of Facebook advertising. Compared to Google AdWords, Facebook Ads is missing a lot of features, and has annoying bugs. I’m listing these problems here, in case anyone working at Facebook would like to have an advertiser’s opinion, and that people working with programmatic ad platforms see how difficult it is to create — if…

Notes on Customer Development

I keep forgetting this stuff, so noting it down for myself (and others). 1. Don’t ask “would you” questions, ask “did you” questions. People are unable to predict their behavior. 2. Don’t ask about your product, ask about their problem. Wrong question: “We have this product A – would you use it?”. Right question: “Do you ever have this problem…