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Tag: facebook

Miten sovittaa Facebook-mainonta yrityksen muuhun markkinointiin?

Käsittelen tässä artikkelissa lyhyesti tapoja suhteuttaa Facebook-mainonta yrityksen muuhun markkinointiin. Miten hoitaa homma? Seitsemän vaiheen kautta. 1. Määritä Facebook-mainonnalle oma budjetti, mieluiten vuositasolla. Facebook-markkinointi ei ole ilmaista orgaanisellakaan puolella, mutta etenkin mainonta tarvitsee budjetin. Mieluusti ison sellaisen, jotta on varaa skaalata tulosten mukaan. Facebook-mainontahan skaalautuu täysin halutun budjetin mukaisesti – päivässä voi käyttää viisi euroa tai miljoonan. Vuositaso on hyvä,…

Here’s Facebook cheating you (and how to avoid it)

Here’s how Facebook is cheating advertisers with reporting of video views: How is that cheating? Well, the advertiser implicitly assumes that ‘video views’ means people who have actually watched the video which is not the case here. Say, you have a 10-second video; this metric does not show people who have watched that video till the end, but only those…

Negative tipping and Facebook: Warning signs

This Inc article states a very big danger for Facebook: It is widely established in platform theory that reaching a negative tipping point can destroy a platform. Negative tipping is essentially the reverse of positive tipping — instead of gaining momentum, the platforms starts quickly losing it. There are two dimensions I want to look at in this post. First,…

Ohjelmallisen ostamisen alusta: ideaaliominaisuuksia

Full-metal digitalist. Maailma muuttuu, markkinoijani Tällä hetkellä digitaalinen media on siirtymässä ohjelmallisen ostamisen malliin, ts. mainokset ostetaan ja myydään mainosalustan (esim. Google AdWords, Facebook) kautta. Myös perinteinen offline-media (TV, printti, radio) tulee ajan myötä siirtymään ohjelmallisen ostamisen järjestelmiin, joskin tässä menee arvioni mukaan vielä 5-10 vuotta. Miksi ohjelmallinen ostaminen voittaa? Syy on selkeä: Ohjelmallinen ostaminen on lähtökohtaisesti aina tehokkaampaa kuin…

Facebook Ads: too high performance might turn on you (theoretically)

Introduction Now, earlier I wrote a post arguing that Facebook has an incentive to lower the CPC of well-targeting advertisers because better targeting improves user experience (in two-sided market terms, relevance through more precise targeting reduces the negative indirect network effects perceived by ad targets). You can read that post here. However, consider the point from another perspective: the well-targeting advertiser is…

Facebook ad testing: is more ads better?

Yellow ad, red ad… Does it matter in the end? Introduction I used to think differently about creating ad variations, but having tested both methods I’ve changed my mind. Read the explanation below. There are two alternative approaches to ad testing: “Qwaya” method* — you create some base elements (headlines, copy texts, pictures), out of which a tool will create…

Facebook’s Incentive to Reward Precise Targeting

Facebook has an incentive to lower the advertising cost for more precise targeting by advertisers. What, why? Because by definition, the more precise targeting is the more relevant it its for end users. Knowing the standard nature of ads (as in: negative indirect network effect vis-à-vis users), the more relevant they are, the less unsatisfied the users. What’s more, their…

Online ad platforms’ leeching logic

We had a great discussion with Mr. Lauri Pitkänen about unfair advantage in business – e.g., a gift card company’s business model relying on people not redeeming gift cards, investment banker’s relying on monopoly to take 7% of each new IPO, doctor’s controlling how many new doctor’s are educated, taxi driver’s keeping the supply low through licenses, governments inventing new…

A Few Interesting Digital Analytics Problems… (And Their Solutions)

Introduction Here’s a list of analytics problems I’ve devised for a class I was teaching a digital analytics course (Web & Mobile Analytics, Information Technology Program) at Aalto University in Helsinki. Some solutions to them are also considered. The problems Last click fallacy = taking only the last interaction into account when analayzing channel or campaign performance (a common problem for standard Google…

Using the VRIN model to evaluate web platforms

Introduction In this article, I discuss how the classic VRIN model can be used to evaluate modern web platforms. What is the VRIN model? It’s one of the most cited models of the resource-based view of the firm. Essentially, it describes how a firm can achieve sustainable competitive advantage through resources that fulfill certain criteria. These criteria for resources that provide…