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Joni Salminen Posts

I hate to see investors coming into a growing startup… here’s why

I hate to see, from a customer’s perspective, investors coming into a growing Web startup. Because it only means rising prices. The logic is this: 1) the investors need a positive return, and 2) the startup is growing because it has created something valuable, in most cases significantly more valuable than what it is charging from the customer. Therefore, the…

Koneoppiminen ja Googlen algoritmi

Johdanto Tämä postaus sisältää muutamia Rand Fiskinin (MOZ) “What Deep Learning and Machine Learning Mean For the Future of SEO” -videosta syntyneitä ajatuksia. Video löytyy täältä, ja se kannattaa katsoa jotta pysyy kärryillä. Mikä on SEO:n tulevaisuus koneoppimisen myötä? Kukaan ei varmasti tiedä, miltä osin Google on jo implementoinut koneoppimisen periaatteita sijoittelualgoritmiinsa. Kertauksen vuoksi, koneoppiminen voidaan määritellä avustetuksi tai avustamattomaksi…

Kohtaamisongelmia opiskelija-startupeissa

Johdanto Tapasimme Timo Herttuan kanssa Helsingissä elokuussa 2014, ja startup-harrastajina keskustelimme tietysti startupeista. Tämä artikkeli tiivistää tuon keskustelun tulokset. Lähdimme liikkeelle siitä, että opiskelijavetoiset startit ohjattaisiin löytämään ja ratkaisemaan suuryritysten (Kone, Wärtsilä, jne.) ongelmia. Tällä vältettäisiin “triviaalien applikaatioiden ongelma”, jossa keskitytään asioihin, joilla on marginaalisen pieni vaikutus ihmisten elämään merkittävien ongelmien sijaan. Haluamme tässä yhteydessä korostaa, että kaikki startup-toiminta on tottakai haluttavaa ja…

The Basics of Dilemmas

Introduction By definition, a dilemma is a trade-off situation in which there are two choices, each leading to a negative outcome. General solution A general solution, then, is to weigh the outcomes and compare them against one another. For example: choice A: -1 choice B: -2 In this example, choice A has smaller negative effect, so we’d pick that one.…

Organic reach and the choice of social media platform

(This is work in progress.) Introduction It is a well-established fact that the organic reach in a dominant platform decreases over time, as the competition over users’ attention increases. There is thus an inverse relation: The more competition (by users and firms) in a user’s news feed, the less organic visibility for a firm. The problem How would a firm willing to…

About moral hazard and banking crises

Introduction The struggle against moral hazard in banking is constant and real. There’s no turn-key solution for eliminating it, but it must be kept in mind at all times by policy makers. Consider the following citation from Wikipedia: “The role of the lender of last resort, and the existence of deposit insurance, both create moral hazard, since they reduce banks’…

Big data is not enough data

There is a big data fallacy My argument here is simple – even though it’s a common argument that “everything is tracked”, marketers face a big data fallacy when assessing their ability to predict consumer behavior. The reason is explicated here [1]: “On any given occasion, everything from personal factors such as how well a person has slept the night before,…

How to measure offline marketing with online metrics?

Introduction The issue with offline marketing is tracking. For many offline marketing efforts, such as exhibitions and networking events, it’s hard to track results. Participation in these events is often expensive, and the results are evaluated on a qualitative basis. Although qualitative evaluation is better than nothing, quantitative data is obviously better. And in many cases, we can do that –…

A Few Interesting Digital Analytics Problems… (And Their Solutions)

Introduction Here’s a list of analytics problems I’ve devised for a class I was teaching a digital analytics course (Web & Mobile Analytics, Information Technology Program) at Aalto University in Helsinki. Some solutions to them are also considered. The problems Last click fallacy = taking only the last interaction into account when analayzing channel or campaign performance (a common problem for standard Google…

Digital Marketing Laws (work in progress…)

Hi, this is work in progress – I’ll keep updating this list as new moments of “heureka” hit me. Digital marketing laws The higher the position in a SERP, the higher the CTR The more a mixed platform gains demand-side popularity, the more it restricts the organic reach of supply-side Search-engine traffic consistently outperforms social media traffic in direct ROI People…