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A Few Interesting Digital Analytics Problems… (And Their Solutions)

Last updated on July 5, 2017


Here’s a list of analytics problems I’ve devised for a class I was teaching a digital analytics course (Web & Mobile Analytics, Information Technology Program) at Aalto University in Helsinki. Some solutions to them are also considered.

The problems

  • Last click fallacy = taking only the last interaction into account when analayzing channel or campaign performance (a common problem for standard Google Analytics reports)
  • Analysis paralysis = the inability to know which data to analyze or where to start the analysis process from (a common problem when first facing a new analytics tool 🙂 )
  • Vanity metrics = reporting ”show off” metrics as oppose to ones that are relevant and important for business objectives (a related phenomenon is what I call “metrics fallback” in which marketers use less relevant metrics basically because they look better than the primary metrics)
  • Aggregation problem = seeing the general trend, but not understanding why it took place (this is a problem of “averages”)
  • Multichannel problem = losing track of users when they move between online and offline (in cross-channel environment, i.e. between digital channels one can track users more easily, but the multichannel problem is a major hurdle for companies interested in knowing the total impact of their campaigns in a given channel)
  • Churn problem = a special case of the aggregation problem; the aggregate numbers show growth whereas in reality we are losing customers
  • Data discrepancy problem = getting different numbers from different platforms (e.g., standard Facebook conversion configuration shows almost always different numbers than GA conversion tracking)
  • Optimization goal dilemma = optimizing for platform-specific metrics leads to suboptimal business results, and vice versa. It’s because platform metrics, such as Quality Score, are meant to optimize competitiveness within the platform, not outside it.

The solutions

  • Last click fallacy → attribution modeling, i.e. accounting for all or select interactions and dividing conversion value between them
  • Analysis paralysis → choosing actionable metrics, grounded in business goals and objectives; this makes it easier to focus instead of just looking at all of the overwhelming data
  • Vanity metrics → choosing the right KPIs (see previous) and sticking to them
  • Aggregation problem → segmenting data (e.g. channel, campaign, geography, time)
  • Multichannel problem → universal analytics (and the associated use of either client ID or customer ID, i.e. a universal connector)
  • Churn problem → cohort analysis (i.e. segment users based on the timepoint of their enrollment)
  • Data discrepancy problem → understanding definitions & limitations of measurement in different ad platforms (e.g., difference between lookback windows in FB and Google), using UTM parameters to track individual campaigns
  • Optimization goal dilemma → making a judgment call, right? Sometimes you need to compromise; not all goals can be reached simultaneously. Ultimately you want business results, but as far as platform-specific optimization helps you getting to them, there’s no problem.

Want to add something to this list? Please write in the comments!

[edit: I’m compiling a larger list of analytics problems. Will update this post once it’s ready.]

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I’m into digital marketing, startups, platforms. Download my dissertation on startup dilemmas:

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