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Month: October 2023

How to write up machine learning experiments? Here’s a process to follow

It’s sometimes difficult, especially for newcomers, to understand all the steps of a machine learning (ML) analysis. Here’s a practical list of the items I’m myself considering when leading an ML research project. Our use of ML is applied; we do research related to social computing (also known as computational social sciences), marketing, analytics, and human-computer interaction (HCI). Overall, we’ve…

The Triangulated Attribution Model

This is a practical, conceptually sound attribution framework we have been developing with Mr. Tommi Salenius who is the Head of E-commerce in a fast-growing international e-commerce company. The point is this: >90% of e-commerce companies (just an educated guess based on our experience) solely rely on analytics to attribute sales to channels and campaigns. Analytics can be based on…

All Forms of Analytics with Their Definitions

DISCLAIMER: This post was produced in collaboration with AI (ChatGPT-4, September 2023 version). The content has been verified by a human subject matter expert for veracity and relevance and modified where appropriate. There are many forms of ‘analytics’, like ‘web analytics’, ‘digital analytics’, and ‘marketing analytics’. Are these different forms of analytics all the same or do they actually have…

Introduction to Quantitative Persona Research (Read These to Get a Foundational Understanding of Data-Driven Persona Research)

Here’s a reading list I recommend to “newcomers” in quantitative persona research (e.g., Master’s students, PhD students) (see bolded parts for explanations for why you should read each paper). The list contains ten papers and is organized in themes. NOTE: There are *many more* impactful and important data-driven persona papers. Why I only included papers from our team in this…

AACO – Transferrable skills in digital marketing

This post is inspired by the brilliant CRAP or CARE model by Mikko Piippo (this acronym is much poorer but have to start somewhere :). Transferrable skills are beneficial across different digital marketing roles, regardless of the specialization. Analytics The skill needed in every area of digital marketing, whether advertising, PPC, SEO, email marketing, social media marketing, conversion optimization, and so on.…

Hypersocial Meets Antisocial!

Had a great discussion with Linda Sevelius who shared her expertise on social media marketing with the students of University of Vaasa. We touched upon many topics, one of which was, “Does a social media marketer need to be social to be successful?”. The answer would seem to be yes! But, we could nonetheless distinguish different extreme types (you could…

Persoonablogi julkaistu on Suomen laajin persoona-aiheinen blogi. Lähes 60 postausta käyttäjä- ja asiakaspersoonista. Olemme tutkineet persoonia jo yli kuusi vuotta. Autamme myös yrityksiä luomaan ja hyödyntämään persoonia. Ole yhteydessä jos persoonien luonti on ajankohtaista yrityksellesi: [email protected]. persoonat #HCI #käyttäjäymmärrys #asiakasymmärrys