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Tag: facebook

“It eliminates all the fun.”​ Automation taking over marketing?

Jon Loomer, a well-respected digital marketer, was interviewed by Andy Gray in Andy’s podcast. They discussed automation and the impacts it has on the future of digital marketing. Andy asked what happens when everything becomes standardized by the platform? That is, when the platform sets the click price, chooses the targeting, and even writes the ads. The logic of the…

Managing business development of an ad platform

Here’s a great example of a business development program of an ad platform: Google provides similar service through its AdWords Partner program. Facebook and Google are offering the free 1-on-1 help for one simple reason: It improves the quality of ads. Because of this, two positive effects take place: a) the users are happier. As two-sided markets, FB and Google need…

Affinity analysis in political social media marketing – the missing link

Introduction. Hm… I’ve figured out how to execute successful political marketing campaign on social media [1], but one link is missing still. Namely, applying affinity analysis (cf. market basket analysis). Discounting conversions. Now, you are supposed to measure “conversions” by some proxy – e.g., time spent on site, number of pages visited, email subscription. Determining which measurable action is the…

Total remarketing – the concept

Here’s a definition: Total remarketing is remarketing in all possible channels with all possible list combinations. Channels: Programmatic display networks (e.g., Adroll) Google (GDN, RLSA) Facebook (Website Custom Audience) Facebook (Video viewers / Engaged with ads) etc. How to apply: Test 2-3 different value propositions per group Prefer up-selling and cross-selling over discounts (the goal is to increase AOV, not…

In 2016, Facebook bypassed Google in ads. Here’s why.

Introduction The gone 2016 was the first year I thought Facebook ends up beating Google in the ad race, despite the fact Google still dominates in revenue ($67Bn vs. $17Bn in 2015). I’ll explain why. First, consider that Google’s growth is restricted by three things: natural demand keyword volumes, and approach of perfect market. More demand than supply First, at…

Miten tuottaa lisäarvoa dynaamisella uudellenkohdennuksella?

Juttelin tänään erään Facebookin edustajan kanssa, jonka tehtävänä on auttaa Elämyslahjoja tekemään parempaa Facebook-mainontaa. Keskustelu pyöri aloittelijatasolla, kunnes sanoin että olemme tehneet Facebook-mainontaa jo monta vuotta ja tiedämme nämä perusjutut. Silloin henkilö ehdotti meille Facebookin dynaamista uudellenkohdennusta (eng. dynamic retargeting). Ko. mainonnan muoto siis toimii niin, että tietyllä tuotesivulla käyneelle henkilölle näytetään Facebookissa samasta tuotteesta mainoksia. Katsot siis verkkokaupasta kenkiä,…

Why social advertising beats display advertising

Introduction I’ve long been skeptical of display advertising. At least my students know this, since ever year I start the digital marketing course by giving a lecture on why display sucks (and why inbound / search-engine marketing performs much better). But this post is not about the many pitfalls of display. Rather, it’s outlining three arguments as to why I nowadays…