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Tag: communication

How to write emails that get read? 11 tips I use daily.

Here are some tips to make people more likely to read your email. I’ve noticed that some people struggle to communicate effectively via email, so maybe sharing these tips will help someone. Tips: 1. include *one message* per email — when you include 2 or more, the others easily get ignored. It’s better to send a new message, like “ps.…

Belief systems and human action

What people believe, sometimes because real because of that. 1. Introduction. People are driven by beliefs and assumptions. We all make assumptions and use simplified thinking to cope with complexities of daily life. These include stereotypes, heuristical decision-making, and many forms of cognitive biases we’re all subject to. Because information individuals have is inherently limited as are their cognitive capabilities,…

Using Napoleon’s 19th Century Principles for Email Writing

“In this age, in past ages, in any age… Napoleon.” (The Duke of Wellington) This is a short post reflecting upon Napoleon’s writing on war and efficient management. I think many of his principles are universal and apply to communication — my special consideration here is writing of emails, which is a vital skill because 1) you want your message to…

Notes on Customer Development

I keep forgetting this stuff, so noting it down for myself (and others). 1. Don’t ask “would you” questions, ask “did you” questions. People are unable to predict their behavior. 2. Don’t ask about your product, ask about their problem. Wrong question: “We have this product A – would you use it?”. Right question: “Do you ever have this problem…