Tag: digital marketing

How to achieve a good score from Google Pagespeed Insights

Speed is one of the most important ranking factors in technical search-engine optimization (SEO). Besides search rankings, pagespeed directly or indirectly influences Quality Score in AdWords (and thus to click prices), and, perhaps most importantly, to the usability of website. Better usability, more conversions. PageSpeed Insights is a free service by Google to score the […]

How to do political marketing on social media? A systematic process leveraging Facebook Ads

This post very briefly explains a process of using and scaling Facebook advertising for political marketing. It might not be clear for all readers, but professional online marketers should be able to follow. The recipe for political marketing by using Facebook Ads: Create starting parameters (Age, Gender, Location, Message) Create total combinations based on the […]

Affinity analysis in political social media marketing – the missing link

Introduction. Hm… I’ve figured out how to execute successful political marketing campaign on social media [1], but one link is missing still. Namely, applying affinity analysis (cf. market basket analysis). Discounting conversions. Now, you are supposed to measure “conversions” by some proxy – e.g., time spent on site, number of pages visited, email subscription. Determining […]

Total remarketing – the concept

Here’s a definition: Total remarketing is remarketing in all possible channels with all possible list combinations. Channels: Programmatic display networks (e.g., Adroll) Google (GDN, RLSA) Facebook (Website Custom Audience) Facebook (Video viewers / Engaged with ads) etc. How to apply: Test 2-3 different value propositions per group Prefer up-selling and cross-selling over discounts (the goal […]

In 2016, Facebook bypassed Google in ads. Here’s why.

Introduction The gone 2016 was the first year I thought Facebook ends up beating Google in the ad race, despite the fact Google still dominates in revenue ($67Bn vs. $17Bn in 2015). I’ll explain why. First, consider that Google’s growth is restricted by three things: natural demand keyword volumes, and approach of perfect market. More […]

Defining SMQs: Strategic Marketing Questions

Introduction Too often, marketing is thought of being advertising and nothing more. However, already Levitt (1960) and Kotler (1970) established that marketing is a strategic priority. Many organizations, perhaps due to lack of marketers in their executive boards, have since forgotten this imperative. Another reason for decreased importance of marketing is due to marketing scholars […]

Meaningless marketing

I’d say 70% of marketing campaigns have little to no real effect. Most certainly they don’t have a positive return in hard currency. Yet, most marketers spend their time running around, planning all sorts of campaigns and competitions people couldn’t care less of. They are professional producers of spam, where in fact they should be […]

Facebook Ads TIP: remember data breakdowns

Here’s a small case study. We observed irrational behavior from Facebook ads. We have two ad versions running; but the one with lower CTR gets a better relevance score and lower CPC. This seems like an irrational outcome, because in my understanding, CTR as a measure of relevance should be largest impact factor to CPC […]

What is a “neutral algorithm”?

1. Introduction Earlier today, I had a brief exchange of tweets with @jonathanstray about algorithms. It started from his tweet: Perhaps the biggest technical problem in making fair algorithms is this: if they are designed to learn what humans do, they will. To which I replied: Yes, and that’s why learning is not the way […]

Advertisers actively following “Opportunities” in Google AdWords risk bid wars

PPC bidding requires strategic thinking. Introduction. Wow. I was doing some SEM optimization in Google AdWords while a thought struck me. It is this: Advertisers actively following “Opportunities” in AdWords risk bid wars. Why is that? I’ll explain. Opportunities or not? The “Opportunities” feature proposes bid increases for given keywords, e.g. Week 1: Advertiser A […]